

 Ancient agricultural practices  Traditional farming practices in India  Soil Classification  In ancient times geographical distribution by Surapala was jangala (arid), anupa (marshy) and samanya (ordinary). It is further divided by colour into black, white, pale, dark, red and yellow by taste into sweet, sour, salty, pungent, bitter and astringent. Samanya land was suitable for all kinds of trees. Rig-veda identified productive and non-productive soils. There were 12 classification based on soil fertility, irrigation and physical characteristics.   These soil classifications are as follows :  1. Urvara (fertile)  2. Ushara (barren)  3. Maru (desert)  4. Aprahata (fallow)  5. Shadvala (grassy)  6. Pankikala (muddy)  7. Jalaprayah (water)  8. Kachchaha (land contiguous to water)  9. Sharkara (full of pebbles)  10. Sharkaravari (sandy)  11. Nadimatruka (land water from river)  12. Devamatruka (rainfed)  Another classification based on crops suitable  a. Vrdiheyam (rice (rainfed) / co

Ancient Indian Agriculture:-tools and technology

  Ancient Indian Agriculture Manuring The excavation of the Mehrgarh period sites that is around 8000-6000 BC throws some startling facts about Indian agriculture that began as early as 9000 BC. The domestication of plants and animals are reported in the subcontinent by 9000 BC. Wheat, barley and jujube were among crops, sheep and goats were among animals that were domesticated. This period also saw the first domestication of the elephants. With implements and techniques being developed for agriculture settled life soon followed in India. Double monsoons that led to two harvests being reaped in one year in the country facilitated the settled mode of production. In the Neolithic period roughly 8000-5000 BC, agriculture was far from the dominant mode of support for human societies, but those who adopted it flourished. Agro pastoralism in India included threshing, planting crops in rows—either of two or of six—and storing grain in granaries. They passed their techniques of agricultural pr


  Science and technology  have played a critical role in the evolution of human society. Humans have had a desire to observe and understand nature since prehistoric times in order to control and manipulate nature for their own benefit and welfare. Since ancient times, India has had a glorious culture of education, science, and technology, and has made  significant contributions in the fields of astronomy, arithmetic, geometry, metallurgy, the ayurvedic system of medicine, and surgery. Science and Technology - Features Development of Science Technology in Ancient India Significant Indian Mathematicians & their Contributions Medicine Others Conclusion 01:-Science and Technology - Features Ganita is the general name for mathematics, which includes Arithmetic, Geometry, Algebra, Astronomy, and Astrology. Arithmetic is known by several names, including Pattin Ganita (board calculations) and Anka Ganita (calculations with numerals). Geometry is known as Rekha Ganita (line works), and Alg